When Ratchet refused to tell his location, Lockdown tore out Ratchet's spark, killing him. Lockdown participated in James Savoy's raid on the Autobot Ratchet, snipping him from the nearby lake, and then interogating him for Prime's location. Lockdown hunts Optimus at the Yeager residence. Lockdown set a trap in Mexico City for Optimus and damaged him but Cemetery Wind's interference allowed him to escape. Lockdown and Cemetery Wind started killing Autobots across the planet which included Leadfoot, and possibly Roadbuster, Dino, and Sideswipe. He began working with CIA operative Harold Attinger, already seeking to terminate the Autobots, and promised him a Seed for his assistance in his hunt. He was able to find Optimus Prime alive on Planet Earth. Lockdown also developed fearful reputation among the Autobots. He traveled the stars with a team of fellow mercenaries in a ship, previously belonging to a group of legendary knights, which Lockdown stole and turned into his personal prison, keeping the knight's themselves locked up too. Lockdown was a Decepticon once until he abandoned the cause, fearing their betrayal and became a mercenary. In exchange for Attinger's assistance in Prime's capture, Lockdown was to give a seed to him to further his own goals but prime escaped and attempting to retrieve him and the legendary warriors lockdown was slain by him. He was a Cybertronian bounty hunter alliged with neither Autobot or Decepticon who was hired by The Creators to capture Prime and hunt down the remaining Transformers on Earth, working with human CIA agent Harold Attinger to do so. Lockdown is the one of the three main antagonists (alongside Harold Attinger and Galvatron) of the 2014 film Transformers: Age of Extinction. Intergalactic bounty hunter, Mercenary, Decepticon soldier (formerly) Head-mounted cannon, Shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, Arm blasters, Arm swords, Spark extractor, Grenades, Battle helmet